Дополнительная скорость передвижения: 20/25/30/35% Длительность оглушения: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0
Перезарядка: 12 Требует маны: 40
Если применять на союзника, который дальше чем в 900 расстояния от Io, то он притянется к своей цели.
Примечание: имеется возможность прервать связь заранее.
Spirits: ========= Io пpизывaeт 5 дpeвниx дуxoв в тeчeниe 6 ceкунд. Дуxи тaнцуют вoкpуг Io в кpугe, зaщищaя eгo. Ecли вpaжecкий гepoй кocнeтcя дуxa, тoт высвoбoдит cвoю жизнeнную энepгию co взpывoм, нaнocящим 25 уpoнa и зaмeдляющим вpaгoв нa 30% в paдиуce 300. Kpипы пoлучaют нeбoльшoй уpoн пpи пpикocнoвeнии к дуxу, нe вызывaя взpыв.
У вас есть также две активные иконки, позволяющие увеличивать и уменьшать амплитуду кольца светлячков.
Урон за духа: 25/50/75/100 Замедление: 30%
Перезарядка: 14 Требует маны: 120/130/140/150
Overcharge: ============ Io вбиpaeт в ceбя бoльшe энepгии, чeм мoжeт бeзoпacнo удepживaть, пoлучaя увeличeнную cкopocть aтaки, нo тepяя 2.5% oт тeкущиx пoкaзaтeлeй здopoвья и мaны в ceкунду. Ecли Io cвязaн c coюзникoм, тo бoнуc к cкopocти aтaки дapуeтcя и eму.
Эту способность можно включать и выключать без перезарядки.
Дополнительная скорость атаки: 60/80/100/120
Примечание: эта способность также увеличивает скорость атаки связанного героя.
Relocate: ========= Io нa 12 ceкунд пepeмeщaeт ceбя вмecтe co cвязaнным гepoм в выбpaннoe мecтo. Заклинание подготавливается некоторое время, при этом враги видят указанное место помеченным.
Задержка: 2.5/2.25/2.0 Перезарядка: 80/60/40 Требует маны: 100
Примечание: эта способность также переносит связанного героя с вами и возвращает его через 12 секунд; вы можете прервать связь, тем самым оставите союзника на новом месте.
* Новый герой - Тралл
Класс: Far Seer Имя: Thrall Сторона: Sentinel
Дальность атаки: 600 Скорость передвижения: 300 Основная характеристика: Intelligence Начальная броня: 1
Накопительный урон удваивается до 3 раз (всего 4 произношения), после этого прибавляется по 50
Примеры На 1ом уровне урон будет: 20/40/80/160 + 50 за каждое последующее накопление На 2ом уровне урон будет: 35/70/140/280 + 50 за каждое последующее накопление На 3ем уровне урон будет: 50/100/200/400 + 50 за каждое последующее накопление На 4ом уровне урон будет: 65/130/260/520 + 50 за каждое последующее накопление
Радиус поражения: 150 Дальность полета яда: 1500
Перезарядка: 3 Требует маны: 50
Примечание: у вас есть возможность "взорвать" все яды сразу, нанося накопившийся урон
Перезарядка: 20/18/16/14 Требует маны: 120/130/140/150 Дальность применения: 900
Примечания: вышки наносят половину урона (т.е. 6 их ударов для уничтожения); цель получает видимость летящей в нее ракеты после её начала передвижения.
Flak Cannon: ============= Gyrocopter включает все свои орудия, позволяя атакам поражать сразу всех врагов в радиусе 800. Длится 15 секунд или несколько атак. Не работает с иллюзиями.
Ваша дальность атаки остается той же - 375.
Количество атак: 3/4/5/6 Требует маны: 50 Перезарядка: 20
Новая Hellfire Blast: ============== Ignites the target on fire, dealing damage over time. Stuns the target for a brief period followed by a movement speed reduction.
Длительность оглушения: 2 Длительность замедления: 2 секунды после оглушения Замедление: 15% Урон в секунду: 30/45/60/75 Перезарядка: 8 Требует маны: 140
Примечание: длительность урона - 4 секунды.
- Split Earth длительность стуна изменено с 1.25/1.5/1.75/2 сек до постоянного 2 сек
- Скорость бега увеличена на 10
- Начальный урон изменен с 37-56 до 42-51
- Laguna Blade level 1 cooldown from 150 to 120
- Light Strike Array cooldown from 8 to 7
- Eclipse now turns day into night for 10 seconds
- Lunar Blessing bonus damage increased from 6/12/18/24 to 8/16/24/32
- Lunar Blessing now always provides full night vision
- Movement speed decreased from 300 to 290
- Strength gain decreased from 1.85 to 1.65
- Teleport now has a tp scroll style indicator displayed for your allies
- Agility increased from 15 + 1.5 to 18 + 1.9
- Movement speed increased from 300 to 305
- Poof manacost from 140/120/100/80 to 80
- Base damage improved by 5
- Casting Open Wounds no longer loses attack focus
Nerubian Weaver
- Shukuchi now has a 0.25 second fade time
- The Swarm manacost increased from 75 to 100
- The Swarm vision reduced from to 500 to 250
- Base damage increased by 10
- Crippling Fear's miss chance from 10/20/30/40% to 40%
Ogre Magi
- Int gain increased from 1.9 to 2.4
- Fireblast rescaled from 75/125/175/275 to 80/145/210/275
- Multi Cost manacost increase for Firebalst rescaled from 30/80/110 to 30/70/110
Obsidian Destroyer
- Astral Imprisonment no longer causes the target to lose vision over that area
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Obsidian Destroyer (along with a new visual effect): Damage Multiplier from 8/9/10 to 9/10/11 and cast range from 600/650/700 to 700/750/800
Omni Knight
- Movement speed increased by 5
Pandarean Brewmaster
- Drunken Haze slow increased from 10/14/18/22 to 14/18/22/26
Priestess of the Moon
- Moonlight Shadow's cooldown rescaled from 160 to 180/160/140,
- Moonlight Shadow's duration rescaled from 7/9/11 to 11.
- Illusory Orb cooldown decreased from 15 to 13
- Flesh Heap is now retroactive (Meaning it keeps track of your kills and is always updating your str based on your current level of flesh heap)
- Reduced Flesh Heap aoe from 525 to 450
- Meat Hook damage type changed from physical to pure
- Meet Hook damage adjusted from 100/200/300/400 to 90/180/270/360
Queen of Pain
- Scream of Pain manacost rescaled from 140 to 110/120/130/140
- Static Link cooldown decreased from 45/40/35/30 to 35/30/25/20
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Razor (along with a new visual effect): Increases striking speed from 0.85/0.75/0.60 to 0.7/0.6/0.5 and can target structures. Does not reduce structure's armor.
Sand King
- Armor increased by 1
- Assassinate kills now give XP even if you are outside of range (208147)
- Night vision increased from 800 to 1000 (197918)
- Desolate damage increased from 15/25/35/45 to 20/30/40/50
- Dispersion reflection increased from 5/10/15/20 to 10/14/18/22
Spirit Breaker
- Empowering haste from 4/6/8/10 to 6/8/10/12
- Aghanim's Scepter Nether Strike now also increases cast range (400/550/700->550/700/850)
- Charge of Darkness speed boost updates at smoother 0.5 intervals and displays a counter above your head (267094)
- Added a button to make it more obvious how to initiate the charge earlier. You can still use the old move method though. (193994)
Stealth Assassin
- Base agility increased by 10
Base damage and armor decreased to remain the same overall after the extra agility
Tauren Chieftain
- Natural Order aoe from 250 to 275
- Remote mines now detonate when killed (145024)
- Soul Steal's secondary ability is now in the same position as the primary ability with the same hotkey (210124)
- Armor increased by 1
- Avalanche cooldown decreased from 20 to 17
- Toss cast range from 500/700/900/1100 to 700/900/1100/1300
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Tiny
Can target trees to pick them up as weapons (like the Stone Giant from ladder). Makes your attack range longer, gives you siege damage and 50% splash in a 300 aoe for 3 attacks. Adds an extra level of upgrade to your toss damage that your ultimate normally does.
Vengeful Spirit
- Magic Missile manacost rescaled from 95/110/125/140 to 110/120/130/140
- Poison Sting slow from 10 to 11/12/13/14
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Viper Cast Range increased from 500 to 800 and cooldown from 80/50/30 to 12
- Gravekeeper's Cloak armor bonus rescaled from 2/3/4/5 armor per layer to 1/2/4/5 per layer
- Gravekeeper's Cloak magic resistance rescaled from 4/8/12/16% reduction per layer to 3/6/12/16 per layer
- Familiars maximum damage rescaled from 84/105/126 to 56/98/154
- Familiars cooldown from 160 to 180/160/140
- Soul Assumption's mana cost increased from 100 to 150
- Fatal Bonds cooldown decreased from 30 to 25
- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Warlock
With Aghanim's Warlock calls down two golems. HP, Attack and Bounty of each is halved to be roughly the same total as before. Deals twice the impact damage and lands 0.3 seconds apart.
- Arc Lightning cooldown from 2.5 to 2.25 seconds
## Предметы ##
* Added a new recipe item (Arcane Boots)
This item replaces Arcane Ring. =========== 500 - Boots of Speed 1000 - Energy Booster
+60 Movement Speed +250 Mana Replenish Mana (Restores 135 mana to allies in 600 aoe, 40 cd, 25 manacost) Can be Disassembled Original Idea from: 245602
* Added new basic item (Orb of Venom)
Located at the secret shops and side shops
- Costs 600 Gold. - Adds a poison effect to your attacks. Deals 3dps and lasts 3 seconds. 4% slow for ranged, 12% slow for melee.
Assault Cuirass
- Attack Speed decreased from 40% to 35%
- Aura Attack Speed increased from 15% to 20%
Animal Courier
- Price decreased from 200 to 170
Blade Mail
- Damage Return's duration increased from 3.5 to 4 seconds
- Heal on wielder's death increased from 25 per charge to 30
- Now only loses a third of its charges on death (reduced from a half)
Buriza Do Kyanon
- Damage increased by 6 (to equal the total of crystalys and demon edge)
Cranium Basher
- Removed 25% chance to do 25 bonus damage (stun is still the same)
- Cranium Basher bonus damage increased from 30 to 40
Dust of Appearance
- Reduced AOE from 1250 to 1050
Ethereal Blade
- Removed Wraith Band from recipe (same bonuses still though)
- You can now target yourself
Eul's Scepter of Divinity
- Cast range increased from 600 to 700
- Added double click support for Euls (174341)
Eye of Skadi
- Orb of Venom added as a component. Final bonuses are the same as before.
- Recipe price decreased from 750 to 300
Heart of the Tarrasque
- Delay on regeneration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
- Recipe cost decreased from 900 to 800
- AoE of Restore increased from 450 to 750
- HP aura regen increased from 3 to 4
Quelling Blade
- Tree Chop cooldown decreased from 15 to 10
Senry Wards
- Increased truesight vision from 800 to 950
- Reduced natural vision to just around itself
Urn of Shadows
- Heal no longer dispels from neutral creep damage
- Added a team notice when someone buys Urn of Shadows recipe
* Support gold gained for kills is now displayed ontop of each hero (not a change to , but revealing the "extra" area that was added a few patches ago, 16775)
* Minor adjustment (+50) to the extra aoe XP
* Lane creeps vision from 1400/800 to 1100/800
* Day-Night now cycles at 25% faster rate
* The autozoom restore function in -zm is increased to give extra time to temporarily zoom in
* Game now displays a message to your allies if you buy back
* Added a -ub (-Unban) game mode to override the default -cm changed hero restrictions
* Reworked the -CM Ban and Picks process
Old CM: ======= Summary: 4 bans then 5 picks.
Ban Phase: Each team bans 4 heroes. 40 Seconds for each step. Process: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Pick Phase: Each team then picks 5 heroes. 60 Seconds for each step. Process: 1-2-2-2-2-1
60 seconds of extra time is provided in each team's time bank.
New CM: ======= Summary: 3 bans then 3 picks then 2 bans then 2 picks.
Ban Phase #1: Each team bans 3 heroes. 30 seconds for each step Process: 1-1-1-1-1-1
Pick Phase #1: Each team then picks 3 heroes. 60 seconds for each step. Process: 1-2-2-1
Ban Phase #2: Each team then bans 2 heroes. 60 seconds for each step Process: 1-1-1-1
Ban Phase #2: Each team then picks 2 heroes. 60 seconds for each step Process: 1-1-1-1
90 seconds of extra time is provided in each team's time bank.
* Added death animation for Throne (82594)
* 4 new Courier models (222933)
* Added a Flying Courier ability (175819)
* Added Mini Viper and Snow Owl flying courier models (175819)
* Added a mini-goblin zeppelin flying courier model
* Added a new ability to the courier that drops all the items that do not belong to you to their respective CoPs and then gathers all items that are yours onto the courier.
* Changed the courier hotkey to G to avoid conflicts with the new ability
* Game now displays a message when an ally purchases Dust, Observer Wards or Sentry Wards
* Added -il as a shortcut for -invokelist (43834)
* Fixed some visual issues with ground textures of some scourge buildings (217304)
* Fixed some buff icon inconsistencies (218840)
* Added Hook and Arrow Accuracy information to replay data
* New visual effect for Witch Doctor's Aghanim Scepter
* New visual effect Puck's Scepter (206094)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Axe (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Pudge (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Spiritbreaker (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Sand King (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Jakiro (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Night Stalker (264503)
* Added an Aghanim's visual effect for Earthshaker (166075)
* New Tidehunter hero story (244461)
* Added flavor text for Phase Boots (19010)
* Reworked when the visual effect is shown for Berserker's Blood (268354)
* Improved Chaos Bolt animation (247368)
* New Earthbind visual effect
* Added an extra visual effect for Nether Swap
* Added a visual damage indicator for Ethereal Blade (204930)
* Added a Burst visual effect for flying courier (21388)
* Added an aura visual for Leoric's Vampiric Aura (14145)
* Fixed some visual issues with Soul Steal (210124)
* New visual effect of Strafe (205629)
* Added a visual effect for the int stealing event on Silencer's Last Word (9993)
* Added temporary text overhead info for Sticky Napalm indicating stack counts
* New Breathe Fire icon (208513)
* New Earthbind Icon (202929)
* New March of the Machines Icon (223523)
* New Morph Icon (255633)
* New Scourge Glyph Icon (217705)
* New Strafe icon (205629)
* New Toss Icon (238905)
* New Torrent Icon (218829)
* Fixed Familiars tooltip
* Fixed Forge Spirit tooltip
* Fixed a bug with Curse of the Silent
* Fixed a bug with Charge of Darkness
* Fixed Invoke from triggering last word
* Fixed Rot dispelling curse of the silent
* Fixed Flaming Lasso scoreboard timer
* Fixed Batrider interaction bugs with Land Mines
* Fixed a minor rare bug with the caster unit for primal roar
* Fixed some visual glitches with passive Crystalys icon (208005)
* Fixed some visual glitches with passive Attribute Bonus icon (208766)
* Fixed a bug with the interaction of Ion Shell and Focus Fire
* Fixed some areas where you could get stuck with TP Scroll
* Fixed a bug that could allow courier to gain attack capability
* Fixed a bug with Soul Ring when your mana capacity changes
* Fixed some rare bugs with Hex interactions with some abilities
* Fixed Dark Pact not properly dispelling Crippling Fear or Void
* Fixed a bug with picking up Linken's Sphere while waveforming
* Fixed the launch projectile location for Dragon Knight's Elder Form
* Fixed X Marks The Spot when used on an ally carrying Linken Sphere
* Fixed some AI bugs with attacking roshan while teleported close inside
* Fixed a bug with wells water mechanic when you get stuck inside it
* Fixed a minor rare bug that produced the "cannot construct unit" message
* Fixed a very rare bug that could sometimes cause Toss to not throw anything
* About Phoenix
I had mentioned a Phoenix hero was in the works for this patch in the past. I've decided to save the hero for another update instead of putting him in this one. I want to work on him more in order to make him a better hero before releasing him
Thanks to all the beta testers and players that provided feedback. Send me an email and let me know what you'd like to see in 6.69 and beyond.
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