Название карты: Battle Tanks Автор карты: Exodus & Bob666 ; Uploaded by: P-Exodus Жанр: Aeon of Strife/AoS Версия: 8.58 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: 1-10 Поддержка компьютера: Да Размер: 128x128 Ландшафт: Cityscape С обновлениями от 10 апреля 2009 года версия интересной и популярной, карты в категории Aeon of Strife/AoS максимум для десяти игроков. Огромное количество изменений и исправлений. Особо стоит отметить очень неплохих AI игроков.
Changelog v 8.58:
* Added a new shop at the side lanes * Added singleplayer command: -showrange x, displays the range of your weapons (x is the mode, 0-3) * The number of Force upgrades now also depends on your team's Control Pionts * Reworked Trader, it's now a ground tank * Increased rewards for trading goods * Reduced the requirements for most of the trade combos * A orange floating text now shows the gold you got from the Trader * Mine Defuser Pack now also includes an Iron Hull and has a lower cooldown * Changed Death Magic from hero only to creep only * Added a small effect when Dead (Ghost Tank) and Mortar Teams (Heavy Tank) die * -weather and -effects are now deactivated at the beginning of the game * New icon for Keep on Fighting * It's no longer possible to buy Explosives in No Exploder-mode * Added a small leaderboard for kick votes * Changed the model and name of the Artillery Factory * Each player can only rename his own team up to 5 times now * Reworked Root (Guard) a bit * Reworked Hail of Bombs (Heavy Tank) * Reworked Banish (Demon Tank), it now amplifies damage from every source (including physical) * Tech Mech is now cheaper and faster and has a free Control Point Teleport * Ice Prison (Frost Robot) now deals more damage and has a lower cooldown * Ice Rain (Frost Robot) now deals a little bit more damage overall in 3 waves (4 before) * Dust Wave (Earth Robot) now deals damage in a bigger area (125 -> 175) * Earth Quake (Earth Robot) now deals the same damage in 3 seconds (down from 5) * Earth Quake now deals 50% extra damage against buildings * Artillery Shot won't be interrupted anymore by issuing an order right after casting * Increased bounty for all building by ca. 40% and decreased their HP-regeneration by ca. 33% * Rocket Tower now deals 25% more damage and Laser Tower has a very small splash * Commander, Artillery and Zeppelin now cost 2 food instead of only 1 * Troops summoned by the AI no longer stand still * Watch Tower no longer add to the creep summon and building endgame awards * Fixed -afkai from preventing a player to become a leaver AI * Fixed Acid Cloud from only slowing units of the Light Force * Fixed a crash bug, when trying to place AA Bombs into a tower * Fixed the hero info to properly update at the beginning of the game * Fixed Infernal Fire Rain (Infernal) from sometimes not working at all * Fixed the creep kill stats for the red player * Fixed some minor bugs
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