Название карты: Hack and Heal Автор карты: AlexM Жанр: Defense/Survival Версия: 1.15 Язык: Английский Кол-во игроков: рекомендуется 5 Поддержка компьютера: нет Размер: 64x96 Ландшафт: Dungeon Достаточно просто выполненная но интересная карта в категории Defense/Survival для пяти игроков. Защищаем наш замок от нашествия зомби и разного рода нечисти, которой с каждым новым раундом становится всё больше и больше.
Изменения и исправления в этой версии:
New Version - v1.15 -------------------------------------- -Castle HP now visible on the multiboard. -Removed the model of the tomes to remove some lagg. -Castle now once again takes tremendous damage through the final battle. -Kaede is now again harder to spot, but switches less. -Reduced the laywer special to 100% life steal due to the reintroduction, change and sequent buffing of minibosses. (Its no fun fighting versus a fool with fricken 200% life steal) -Celestial Chain no longer sometimes jumps off to the center of the map. As for Fire Blast glitch, it's still existing, but rare. -Added 3 new "Meta spells" which use combinations of different color magic. -The new NIGHTMARE MODE is added. In this extended mode enemies always get specials, sometimes even several of them and the game gets additional 10 waves and the ultimate boss who will test all your skill and resolve.
Nightmare mode can be voted for by typing -nm. It cannot be activated if the level 5 already started. -Now while in spawn area, heroes are invulnerable. -Added several items, and made armor batteries even cheaper.
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